Using the simplicity of an infinite white background combined with interactive graphics, we created an engaging and powerful e-learning film for an intranet-delivered training programme for NHS managers.
Salford Royal NHS Foundation Trust has been working with our partners, Impromptu Ltd. delivering live interactive workshops to managers across the whole of their trust. The workshops focus on the skills required to get the most out of teams and specifically look at Start of Year, Mid Year and End of Year formal one-to-one conversations. Subjects including objective setting, managing expectations and motivation draw on key behavioural and communication models such as Assertiveness and Transactional Analysis to better equip managers and appraisees for these conversations.
We were asked to produce over 50 e-Learning filmed assets for an intranet version of the programme to act as an ongoing resource for existing staff and new starters. This will further be made accessible to other Trusts across the region and beyond.