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The Global Parliament Of Mayors 2018 Summit

The Global Parliament Of Mayors 2018 Summit

2018 Summit in Bristol

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This project presented us with the challenge of producing two separate films for two different clients. The Global Parliament of Mayors wanted a film highlighting the importance of the GPM in order to attract Mayors who might not be familiar with the organization, while the Bristol City Council wanted a film showcasing the significance of the summit taking place in Bristol and what it would mean for the city in terms of investment and opportunity.

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More than 80 mayors and city network leaders from six continents gathered in Bristol for the Global Parliament of Mayor's 2018 Summit to convene on the topics of migration, urban security and health, reflecting the pressing issues of the world.

Floating Harbour covered the two-day event in Bristol's City Hall, with one team in the main chamber filming and live-streaming the summit's most important talks, and another roving team recording interviews with mayors from cities all around the world. We used to footage to create two short promotional films utilized by the GPM to commemorate the event and to promote the organization to prospective members.