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Bear Wood Fundraiser

Bear Wood Fundraiser

Fundraiser for the building of this conservation visitor attraction.

As part of Wildplace's ongoing development as a unique visitor attraction and conservation charity, we were excited to be involved in the Bear Wood project. Bear Wood is a unique development that transports visitors back in time to when the woodland was inhabited by European Brown Bears, European Wolves, Eurasian Lynx and Wolverine. As part of their bid to raise funds for the initiative, we created this film. We are happy to say that the bid was successful in raising a significant amount towards their target and Bear Wood successfully opened in 2019 at the Wildplace Project.

Fundraiser Films

Our fundraiser films highlight the exciting developments for this conservation visitor attraction.  Bear wood contains a walkway that will wind through seven and a half acres of woodland where five European grey wolves have been moved to a new home that they will share with the brown bears. Lynx and wolverines now roam the woodland as they would have done centuries ago. 

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Behind-the-scenes documentary depicting the development of Bear Wood. 
